2024 ADAC MX Masters calendar revealed

• Eight ADAC MX Masters races from April to September
• New organizer in Vellahn on the calendar
• Six races each for the ADAC MX Junior Cup 85 and ADAC MX junior cup 125
ADAC MX Masters plans for its 20th season a varied and interesting calendar with eight events. The season start of the German International Motocross Championship will be on the 20th. /21. April 2024 traditionally held in Fürstlich Drehna. The series will return to the popular tracks in Dreetz, Bielstein, Tensfeld and Gaildorf. For the first time, an ADAC MX Masters event will be held in Vellahn in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The season finale is planned for the end of September in Holzgerlingen, before that another race will take place, the venue of which will be confirmed at a later date. Fans of the series can also look forward to a free livestream of all eight events next year.
During the anniversary season, at least one series race is scheduled for each month from April to September. The season starts in the Brandenburg sands of Fürstlich Drehna. On the 20th. /21. In April, the four racing classes ADAC MX Masters, ADAC MX Youngster Cup, ADAC Mx Junior Cup 125 and ADAC MX Junior Cup 85 will roll to the starting line. One week after kickoff it’s on the 27th /28. April continues for three of the four classes directly in the sand of Dreetz. In addition to the ADAC MX Masters and ADAC MX Youngster Cup, ADAC MX Junior Cup 85 is also competing here.
On the 25th. /26. In May, the series with the MC Vellahn e.V. will receive a new organizer and a track on which for the first time runs to the ADAC MX Masters will be held. As a supporter of the races in Mölln, the club has already gained some experience around the ADAC MX Masters and is pleased to now hold the race itself together with ADAC Hansa. On the course in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with loose ground, three classes will be held with the ADAC MX Junior Cup 125. About a month later, the idyllic forest course in Bielstein in North Rhine-Westphalia starts on 22. /23. June entered the end of the first half of the season with the ADAC MX Junior Cup 85 as third class.
Second half of the season starts on the 13th /14. July is sandy again, then it’s time for the two main classes as well as the ADAC MX Junior Cup 125 to Tensfeld in Schleswig-Holstein to the starting gate. Three weeks later, friends from Hartboden can look forward to the race in Gaildorf in Baden-Württemberg, which is for the 3rd. /4. Planned for August. Starting at this time in the season, all four classes will be racing again.
The final track of the season is on the 31st. August and 1 September instead. The route for this date still needs to be finalized. Season finale is on the 21st /22. Held in September in front of the proper stage in Holzgerlingen in Baden-Württemberg.
Fans who can’t make it to the track can enjoy a free livestream on adac.de/mx-masters at every race, which offers numerous background reports and interviews alongside exciting races of all classes.
ADAC MX Masters 2024 provisional calendar (subject to change)
20. /21.04.2024 Prince Drehna
27./28.04.2024 Dreetz (without ADAC MX Junior Cup 125)
25. /26.05.2024 Vellahn (without ADAC MX Junior Cup 85)
22. /23.06.2024 Bielstein (without ADAC MX Junior Cup 125)
13. /14.07.2024 Tensfeld (without ADAC MX Junior Cup 85)
03./04.08.2024 Gaildorf
31.08./01.09.2024 TBA
21./22.09.2024 Holzgerlingen

Words: Press Release

Image: ADAC MX Masters